Album details

Artist Jean Michel Jarre
Album Electronica 1: The Time Machine
Year 2015
Album DR 05
Min. track DR 01
Max. track DR 06
Track DR
05 05 05 06 04 06 05 04 04 04 06 05 05 04 04 05 04 03 03 01 06 06 05 04 04 05 05 05
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Unknown
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment USB stick 24bits WAV files including remixes and continuous mix
Log file
 Analyzed folder: D:\muziek\Jean-Michel Jarre\Electronica USB\
 DR   	   Peak     	   RMS      	 Filename
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -9.37 dB      3:51 ?-01. Jean-Michel Jarre & Boys Noize - The Time Machine
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -7.86 dB      3:56 ?-02. Jean-Michel Jarre & M83 - Glory
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -8.03 dB      6:25 ?-03. Jean-Michel Jarre & Air - Close Your Eyes
 DR6       -0.70 dB    -8.33 dB      3:09 ?-04. Jean-Michel Jarre & Vince Clarke -  Automatic (Part 1)
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -6.02 dB      2:59 ?-05. Jean-Michel Jarre & Vince Clarke - Automatic (Part 2)
 DR6       -0.70 dB    -8.43 dB      2:57 ?-06. Jean Michel Jarre & Littele Boots - If
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -8.62 dB      4:30 ?-07. Jean-Michel Jarre & Fuck Buttons - Immortals
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -7.58 dB      5:47 ?-08. Jean-Michel Jarre & Moby - Suns Have Gone
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -6.04 dB      3:07 ?-09. Jean-Michel Jarre & Gesaffelstein - Conquistador
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -6.19 dB      3:06 ?-10. Jean-Michel Jarre & Pete Townshend - Travelator (Part 2)
 DR6       -0.70 dB    -9.42 dB      6:47 ?-11. Jean-Michel Jarre & Tangerine Dream - Zero Gravity
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -7.91 dB      2:57 ?-12. Jean-Michel Jarre & Laurie Anderson - Rely On Me
 DR5       -0.70 dB    -8.05 dB      4:36 ?-13. Jean-Michel Jarre & Armin Van Buuren - Stardust
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -6.45 dB      4:06 ?-14. Jean-Michel Jarre & 3D - Watching You
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -6.25 dB      3:00 ?-15. Jean-Michel Jarre & John Carpenter - A Question Of Blood
 DR5       -0.70 dB   -10.71 dB      7:14 ?-16. Jean-Michel Jarre & Lang Lang - The Train & The River
 DR4       -0.70 dB    -8.00 dB   1:10:27 ?-17. Electronica 1 - The Time Machine Megamix
 DR3       -2.31 dB    -7.40 dB      2:56 ?-18_JeanMichelJarreAndLittleBoots_IfDopplegangerRadioMix_UK9LA1401176
 DR3       -2.34 dB    -8.11 dB      5:17 ?-19_JeanMichelJarreAndLittleBoots_IfDopplegangerRemix_UK9LA1401146
 DR1       -1.84 dB    -5.34 dB      5:58 ?-20_JeanMichelJarreAndLittleBoots_IfG2XClubMix_UK9LA1401156
 DR6       -1.20 dB    -8.61 dB      3:28 ?-21_JeanMichelJarreAndLittleBoots_IfSunsetChildRadioMix_UK9LA1401166
 DR6       -1.70 dB    -9.17 dB      5:14 ?-22_JeanMichelJarreAndLittleBoots_IfSunsetChildRemix_UK9LA1401136
 DR5       -0.47 dB    -7.61 dB      7:37 ?-23_JeanMichelJarreAndM83_Glory16BitLolitasRemix_UK9LA1401803
 DR4       -1.26 dB    -7.83 dB      5:42 ?-24_JeanMichelJarreAndArminVanBuuren_StardustRisingStarRemix_UK9LA1400136
 DR4       -2.36 dB    -9.48 dB      3:25 ?-25_JeanMichelJarreAndLaurieAnderson_RelyOnMe3DVersion_UK9LA1401214
 DR5       -1.38 dB    -8.64 dB      5:50 ?-26_JeanMichelJarreAndMoby_SunsHaveGone3DVersion_UK9LA1403108
 DR5       -0.39 dB    -7.88 dB      4:07 ?-27_JeanMichelJarreAnd3DMassiveAttack_WatchingYou3DVersion_UK9LA1400185
 DR5       -0.89 dB    -8.76 dB      7:12 ?-28_JeanMichelJarreAndTangerineDream_ZeroGravity3DVersion_UK9LA1400153


 Number of files:    28
 Official DR value:  DR5 

Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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