Album details

Artist Pink Floyd
Album The Dark Side of the Moon
Year 1985
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 10
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
12 11 10 11 11 10 12 11 10
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source CD
Label Capitol Records
Label code
Catalog number CDP 7 46001 2
Bar code 0 7777-46001-2
Country United States of America
Comment DIDX 226 *to add to this, My copy has the same catalog number, barcode, DIDX 226, DR tracks values etc...but in the disc matrix it has an RE1. Full matrix is.... CDP 7 46001 2 L9C09E RE1 1-1-18 CAPITOL JAX 95C I believe this is the late 80s disc, not from 1985 Analyzed folder: M:\PFloydCapitolRE1\ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR Peak RMS Filename ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR12 -1.53 dB -16.55 dB Track01.wav DR11 -0.87 dB -17.40 dB Track02.wav DR10 -0.40 dB -14.60 dB Track03.wav DR11 -0.64 dB -16.80 dB Track04.wav DR11 -0.40 dB -14.12 dB Track05.wav DR10 -0.48 dB -16.03 dB Track06.wav DR12 -0.40 dB -13.75 dB Track07.wav DR11 -0.74 dB -17.00 dB Track08.wav DR10 -0.40 dB -13.66 dB Track09.wav ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Number of files: 9 Official DR value: DR11
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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