Album details

Artist Jerry Harrison
Album Casual Gods
Year 1988
Album DR 14
Min. track DR 13
Max. track DR 15
Track DR
14 13 13 14 13 14 15 14 13 14
Codec Uncompressed PCM (WAV)
Source Vinyl
Label Sire Records
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Country United States
Comment Original 1988 U.S. Direct-Metal-Mastered vinyl pressing. Digitized by Dylan Fowler, October 2023. Signal path: Turntable: Audio-Technica AT-LP120XUSB direct-drive turntable, with an Ortofon 2M Red phono cartridge Amplifier: Sony STR-DH190 stereo phono amplifier Recorder: TASCAM DR-05X linear PCM recorder Recorded in stereo at 24-bit/96kHz. Edited into separate tracks using Audacity. No noise reduction or additional processing was used.
Log file
Folder Path:   Jerry Harrison - Casual Gods (Original 1988 U.S. DMM LP) [24-bit, 96kHz WAV]

               File Name | Format | Word Length | Bits Used |  SR |  LRA |  LUFSi | Max. TPL | Max. TPL LEFT | Max. TPL RIGHT | DR (PMF) | 

           01. Rev It Up |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 7.31 | -16.47 |    -0.47 |         -1.26 |          -0.47 |       14 | 
      02. Song of Angels |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 3.17 | -15.75 |    -0.50 |         -1.44 |          -0.50 |       13 | 
      03. Man with a Gun |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 5.73 | -17.22 |    -0.01 |         -1.32 |          -0.01 |       13 | 
    04. Let It Come Down |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 4.42 | -18.98 |    -2.84 |         -2.84 |          -2.84 |       14 | 
      05. Cherokee Chief |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 5.42 | -16.92 |    -1.84 |         -2.04 |          -1.84 |       13 | 
       06. A Perfect Lie |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 5.34 | -18.30 |    -1.21 |         -1.21 |          -1.64 |       14 | 
     07. Are You Running |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 3.90 | -18.11 |    -0.30 |         -1.63 |          -0.30 |       15 | 
         08. A.K.A. Love |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 5.01 | -16.91 |    -0.89 |         -1.54 |          -0.89 |       14 | 
09. We're Always Talking |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 3.65 | -16.81 |    -0.49 |         -2.07 |          -0.49 |       13 | 
               10. Bobby |   .wav |          24 |        24 | 96k | 5.44 | -18.70 |    -1.74 |         -2.30 |          -1.74 |       14 | 

Number of EP/Album Files: 10
Official EP/Album DR: 14
Algorithm MAAT DROffline
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