Album details

Artist Makaya McCraven
Album In the Moment - Deluxe Edition
Year 2019
Album DR 07
Min. track DR 03
Max. track DR 11
Track DR
11 07 09 08 09 08 07 07 07 10 08 09 08 07 08 09 07 07 06 08 08 06 06 07 07 06 03 06
Codec Free Lossless Audio Codec (FLAC)
Source Download
Label International Anthem Recording Company
Label code IARC
Catalog number IARCDE03
Bar code
Country US
Log file
 Analyzed folder:  Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition
 DR	Peak	RMS	Duration	File name	
 DR11	 -0.75 dB	 -15.30 dB	 1:23	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 01 Exploration Intro.flac	
 DR7	 -1.25 dB	 -9.23 dB	 2:41	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 02 The Jaunt.flac	
 DR9	 -0.75 dB	 -11.81 dB	 3:04	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 03 Slightest Right.flac	
 DR8	 -0.75 dB	 -11.83 dB	 12:07	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 04 First Thing First.flac	
 DR9	 -0.90 dB	 -12.08 dB	 4:38	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 05 Lonely.flac	
 DR8	 -1.41 dB	 -10.03 dB	 1:58	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 06 Gnawa.flac	
 DR7	 -0.88 dB	 -10.97 dB	 2:28	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 07 On The Spot.flac	
 DR7	 -1.32 dB	 -10.03 dB	 2:39	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 08 Butterscotch.flac	
 DR7	 -0.75 dB	 -9.50 dB	 2:41	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 09 TomTom.flac	
 DR10	 -0.75 dB	 -11.63 dB	 4:20	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 10 Three Fifths a Man.flac	
 DR8	 -0.99 dB	 -11.78 dB	 4:50	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 11 In The Moment.flac	
 DR9	 -0.75 dB	 -12.70 dB	 3:43	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 12 Quartz.flac	
 DR8	 -0.75 dB	 -10.89 dB	 2:41	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 13 Just Stay Right There.flac	
 DR7	 -0.94 dB	 -11.31 dB	 3:12	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 14 Untitled.flac	
 DR8	 -0.75 dB	 -10.34 dB	 2:52	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 15 Requests.flac	
 DR9	 -0.75 dB	 -12.87 dB	 4:16	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 16 Time Travel.flac	
 DR7	 -0.75 dB	 -9.15 dB	 5:37	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 17 The Encore.flac	
 DR7	 -0.75 dB	 -10.61 dB	 2:06	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 18 The Drop.flac	
 DR6	 -0.75 dB	 -8.81 dB	 6:07	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 19 Finances.flac	
 DR8	 -0.30 dB	 -9.81 dB	 4:54	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 20 Next Step.flac	
 DR8	 -0.30 dB	 -9.61 dB	 2:50	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 21 Alone.flac	
 DR6	 -0.30 dB	 -7.64 dB	 2:22	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 22 Standing On Shoulders.flac	
 DR6	 -0.30 dB	 -8.50 dB	 3:16	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 23 Spontaneous.flac	
 DR7	 -0.30 dB	 -9.54 dB	 2:37	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 24 The Dimmer.flac	
 DR7	 -0.30 dB	 -10.08 dB	 4:33	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 25 She Knew.flac	
 DR6	 -0.30 dB	 -7.32 dB	 2:06	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 26 Trading Bars.flac	
 DR3	 -0.30 dB	 -6.17 dB	 2:29	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 27 50 Thousand Miles.flac	
 DR6	 -0.30 dB	 -9.14 dB	 14:50	 Makaya McCraven - In the Moment Deluxe Edition - 28 The Master.flac	
Number of files:    28
Official DR value:  DR7
Dr14 T.meter 1.0.16 
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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