Album details

Artist Metallica
Album Metallica [DVD-Audio 5.1 24/96 MLP]
Year 2001
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
09 12 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 12
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Unknown
Label Elektra
Label code
Catalog number
Bar code
Comment There are a bunch of downmixes posted here but it seems like no one has actually posted the full 5.1 mix, so here it is. The sound quality is absolutely amazing but you probably knew that already.
Log file
foobar2000 1.2.9 / Dynamic Range Meter 1.1.1
log date: 2015-09-11 18:51:55

Analyzed: Metallica / Metallica

DR         Peak         RMS     Duration Track
DR9        0.00 dB   -11.05 dB      5:32 01-Enter Sandman
DR12       0.00 dB   -11.73 dB      5:24 02-Sad But True
DR11       0.00 dB   -10.93 dB      3:49 03-Holier Than You
DR12       0.00 dB   -12.76 dB      6:27 04-The Unforgiven
DR11       0.00 dB   -11.66 dB      6:44 05-Wherever I May Roam
DR11       0.00 dB   -11.38 dB      4:00 06-Don't Tread On Me
DR11       0.00 dB   -11.15 dB      4:05 07-Through The Never
DR12       0.00 dB   -13.76 dB      6:29 08-Nothing Else Matters
DR12       0.00 dB   -11.46 dB      4:17 09-Of Wolf And Man
DR11       0.00 dB   -11.94 dB      5:08 10-The God That Failed
DR11       0.00 dB   -10.58 dB      6:50 11-My Friend Of Misery
DR12       0.00 dB   -11.63 dB      3:55 12-The Struggle Within

Number of tracks:  12
Official DR value: DR11

Samplerate:        96000 Hz
Channels:          6
Bits per sample:   24
Bitrate:           13824 kbps
Codec:             MLP
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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