Album details

Artist Pink Floyd
Album The Dark Side of the Moon [24-96 Pbthal VinylRip 2012]
Year 1973
Album DR 11
Min. track DR 09
Max. track DR 12
Track DR
09 11 12 12 11 12 11 11 12 11
Codec Other lossless codec
Source Vinyl
Label code
Catalog number Q4SHVL 804
Bar code
Country UK
Comment 2012 VinylRip by pbthal (of 1973 vinyl). Vinyl Cleaning Process - 3 Liter Ultrasonic Cleaner (Tap water with Sporicidin) on custom rotating assembly at 1 RPM for one hour - Vacuum off with Nitty Gritty - AIVS Premium Record Cleaner Formula No. 15 applied with Mofi Brush while rotating on VPI 16.5 - McCulloch MC-1275 Heavy-Duty Steam Cleaner applied with Mofi Brush while rotating on VPI 16.5 - Vacuum off with VPI 16.5 - L'Art du Son Record Cleaning Fluid applied with VPI Bristle brush - Vacuum off with VPI 16.5 - Whole Foods Deionized Water applied with Mofi Brush (Separate from AIVS Mofi Brush) - Vacuum off with VPI 16.5 - Flip record and repeat - Place record on Plate Demgnetizer Turntable Equipment Profile - VPI Scoutmaster with inverted bearing and 300 RPM motor - VPI Center Record Weight - VPI Periphery Ring Clam - Gingko Cloud 11 Vibration Control Platform - VPI Synchronous Drive System turntable motor speed controller and line isolator - Trans-Fi Audio Terminator T3Pro tangential tracking air bearing tonearm - Zyx Airy 3X-SB cartridge Phono Stage Profile - Musical Surroundings Phonomena Phono Preamplifier - Musical Surroundings Battery Power Supply Analog/Digital Conversion - E-MU 1212M (the 1212M contains the same A/D converters used in Digidesign's ProTools HD 192 I/O interface) - Adobe Audition 3.01 running on Windows XP in a Shuttle PC form factor Post Processing Of Audio - Run thru ClickRepair(if necessary) at level 7 with - Pitch Protection | off - Reverse | on - Simple - Resample to 96khz in Izotope Rx2 using the default preset - Manually listen to album in Adobe Audition cleaning any clicks/anomalies - Flac with Xrecode II for hi-rez files - Flac with Trader's Little Helper for redbook files What is this Final Master stuff? After years of trying to improve both my ripping/cleaning process and upgrading my equipment to a level I feel comfortable sticking with I am proud to present these final versions of the best sources I can find.So I am happy to say that more than likely this is the last mother fucking copy you are ever going to need…or your money back.
Algorithm TT DR Offline Meter (or compatible)
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